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Aluminum Oxide Polishing

Hi and thanks for getting some aluminium oxide from me.

I thought I should write up a quick user guide for them to give you an idea of how to use them to full effect. Note this will be mainly in terms of their use in opal polishing. For a video demonstration feel free to check out any of my carving videos on the YouTube channel “Roys Rocks”. Remember to always use water as this is required for the desired effect.

This aluminium oxide is a premium grade 0.3um aluminium oxide for a price closer to a standard aluminium oxide.


I hope this very brief guide helps but if not, there are many videos on my channel using these exact burrs so check it out and ask me any questions you have.

Thanks and have fun carving,

Roy (YouTube: Roys Rock)

Stay Safe

I recommend at minimum safety glasses, lubricating with water and wearing a P2/N95 grade mask even when cutting wet. Vision and breathing are quite useful for us humans so look after your eyes and lungs. Also, for carving I always recommend using a flex shaft attachment on your rotary tool as water and electricity do not mix and you don’t want to give yourself a zap.

When Carving

Mix 1 teaspoon of powder with a cup of water (will look like watered down milk) and then submerge your felt tip in this solution and away you go. It is really that easy!

Keep dipping the felt in the mixture to keep applying aluminum oxide and keeping the stone and felt wet as this helps the action of aluminum oxide.

Of course, I have covered this in many videos so check out the YouTube channel “Roys Rocks”.

For the best results use a dense fine felt rather than a coarse thick fiber felt.


When you are done wash the felt point in clean water and store in a dust free area for reuse. The cerium oxide solution can also be kept for many more uses. Keep covered so other particles don’t fall in there and remix before use as the powder will fall out of solution and sit on the bottom of the container. Do not mix with a wooden object and leave in there as this can promote the growth of nasties (happened to me once).

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