Final result: Gave up and ordered from US/Suva again.was scared when shipping was listed as USD 103, but that was apparently cause I was stupid enough to think I could add a little bit of aluminium oxide for polishing. Removing that, shipping was only USD 22.
So, possible sellers in Europe:
All in German, if I understand it right, and you have to get a (professional?) account.
Were out of stock for the sought after grits (may be temporary), but right now I can't even open the page for some reason.
Not sure about them, maybe they closed down? It calculates shipping and all, but can't continue to payment options?
Do anyone have other options? I should say that at the moment the RR-shop was out of stock, 53frogs didn't have the specific grits I was after, and I saw no recent info about any of the Fb-groups having them in stock, had a look there too of course (and again when that 100+ dollar shipping came up ;-) ).