So I decided to look at a small opal that I have to see if the nice crystal is deeper in the stone, using Roy's backlit technique. I was also trying to confirm a suspected crack, but the contrast is too high on this set up to verify.
so this is the original stone. it's rather thin and the best crystal I can see is at the top, and then there is that nasty grey potch bar running from upper left to lower right.
shining light through the top and looking from the bottom.
shining the light through the bottom and looking from the top.
It SEEMS as though the grey potch MAY clean up somewhat. I may have to clean the bottom a bit to get a better idea. as for the possible crack, well further exporation is warranted.
a further close up on the crystally goodness.
june 19th update...adding wet pictures as well as a shot of the back and a semi profile to show the irregularites of thickness.
I figure I will clean up the back side a bit to see if that color is clean. as for the thin half, I will probably cut it and try sone doublet making. I may try cutting the crystal part off and making a tiny stone with it and then making a nice skinny oval from the middle section. But who knows, I may take th easy road and do another freeform.
Can you chuck up a photo of the face of the stone wet? I feel like there is a really nice mix of patterns to see in this one.